Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It would not have been possible before!

I wonder how it would have been to revise AGROVOC sans internet and the innumerable web resources for reference. Perhaps it would have taken a whole day or even more to physically get hold of the dictionaries and encyclopedias and turn the pages back and forth to study terms. But now the single command `define:' on google serves as the magical `open sesame' to the world of knowledge revealing the myriad of meanings in a row. Another useful site is the `Answers.com' (encyclodictionalmanacapedia) which pulls and presents information from a number of sources starting from general dictionaries to more specific ones. The ultimate entry would be from wikipedia. Wikipedia is my staple diet and I particularly like its lucid style in making terms and concepts more clear.

Without Wikipedia, it would not have been possible for me to work on AGROVOC. I owe a lot to Wikipedia!

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa came to bless AGROVOC Team!

`What a long list of terms! ...'. Santa sighed!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Features" as a new topterm

Proposal of new top term "features"

While searching BT for 'genetic maps' we came across the term "genomic feature", which would be the BT for genetic maps. This term was proposed by Ms. Jayasree Balaji(Scientist, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, ICRISAT) when we had discussion with her on some of the genetics terms which doesn't have BT. With the out come of this discussion we thought of proposing new top term "features". The same discussion was conveyed to Ms.Gudrun and Ms. Margherita on skype meeting, they also agreed to add this top term.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Revision of common names and scientific names

Please refer to the document posted in the dgroup space.