Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It would not have been possible before!

I wonder how it would have been to revise AGROVOC sans internet and the innumerable web resources for reference. Perhaps it would have taken a whole day or even more to physically get hold of the dictionaries and encyclopedias and turn the pages back and forth to study terms. But now the single command `define:' on google serves as the magical `open sesame' to the world of knowledge revealing the myriad of meanings in a row. Another useful site is the `Answers.com' (encyclodictionalmanacapedia) which pulls and presents information from a number of sources starting from general dictionaries to more specific ones. The ultimate entry would be from wikipedia. Wikipedia is my staple diet and I particularly like its lucid style in making terms and concepts more clear.

Without Wikipedia, it would not have been possible for me to work on AGROVOC. I owe a lot to Wikipedia!

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