Friday, September 5, 2008

Discussions and Doubts

The excel worksheets are reviewed. Ms. Prasanthi and Ms. Priyanka have suggested adding one more field indicating if a term is taxonomic or otherwise. It is required to specify the same while making changes in the database. The additional field, TN/CN i.e. Taxonomic name/Common name has been added.

Clarification required on: Issue 1

Should Taxus baccata be made an NT under all the four Related Terms – Drug plants, Hedging plants, Timber trees and Ornamental woody plants? This is just one example.


15460 - Yews (EN)


74892 - this term does not exist in EN


7625 - Taxaceae (EN)


7633 - Taxus baccata (EN)


2393 - Drug plants (EN)


3530 - Hedging plants (EN)


7776 - Timber trees (EN)


34067 - Ornamental woody plants (EN)


34917 - Taxol (EN)

Clarification required on: Issue 2

(Term code 4333) Liliiflorae: This order corresponded roughly to the later order Liliales. Today Art 17 forbids the use of this name in the rank of order.- Near synonym – how to handle this?

1 comment:

Margherita Sini said...

Issue 1

Should Taxus baccata be made an NT under all the four Related Terms – Drug plants, Hedging plants, Timber trees and Ornamental woody plants?


Issue 2

(Term code 4333) Liliiflorae: This order corresponded roughly to the later order Liliales. Today Art 17 forbids the use of this name in the rank of order.- Near synonym – how to handle this?

If a term is not used anymore it should decome a non-descriptor. Also RT should be attached ONLY to descriptors. Non descriptors should ONLY have the USE relations! Please change "Liliiflorae".